Tuesday, December 18, 2012

CBSE to introduce On Screen marking from next session

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) decided to introduce on-screen marking of answer sheets for classes tenth and twelfth in the coming sessions .
This will help a great deal in the evaluation process and minimize the scope for errors. The board also plans to bring in the digital system in two phases.
The first phase that will start in March 2013 with class tenth answer sheets , is likely to shoot up as many as three lakhs in number.
As class tenth board examinations are optional , the number of answer sheets to be handled in the first set would be much lesser than the total work load.
The digitization will kick start in March 2013 with Class X answer-sheets. The answer-sheets will be scanned and later put on screen for the examiners , who will later use the concerned software.
How does OMS work?
The answer script is scanned and uploaded on the server of four-five schools that have been identified as evaluation centres by the CBSE.
Each examiner for English (core) will be given a unique user ID and password, with which he/she can access only those answer scripts allotted to him/her for evaluation.
An examiner will visit an evaluation centre, where he/she will be given a PC on which they can access their designated answer booklets with their user ID.
Examiners will evaluate their answer booklet on the computer screen and enter the corresponding marks in a separate window.
At the end of evaluation, the software will point out if the examiner has forgotten to evaluate any answer. The software will calculate the total marks.
Each examiner is expected to evaluate 20-25 answer booklets in one day.
What are the Benefits?
There is no totalling error as marks are calculated by the software. There is no scope of any answer remaining unevaluated in the booklet as the software will point out if the examiner has omitted an answer by mistake. In the manual process, wrong marks can be entered at the time of transferring total marks from the answer booklet to the award list. With OMS, errors at this level are eliminated. Since each answer booklet has a unique serial number, the OMS software can enable easy retrieval of the answer script.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


School can be a challenge to many students. Here are some tips to improve your marks and do good in school.
Create a positive attitude - Ok, you may ask how does creating a good attitude supposed to boost up my mark? Well, if you create a good attitude in studying and think positive things about studying, its likely that you will start liking a subject that you were really not fond of before. You may also get marks for good attitude and for not disrupting a class.
Attend a class regularly - How does attending a class going to bring me a good mark? If you attend classes daily instead of skipping them, you will be there to listen to all the lessons the teachers are teaching and won't miss important days. It's likely that you will remember or learn more if you are in class when the teacher is teaching than if you skipped class and then take notes later on.
Set goals for yourself - Set goals like 'get good marks in math, science etc' for yourself and then try your hardest to achieve those goals. If you fail once, don't give up, keep trying.
Do homework daily - When you get homework, do it don't leave it. If you want to watch your favourite t.v show instead of doing homework, think about this: Is your favourite t.v show going to help you get to a good university and possibly help you achieve the job of your dreams? If the answer is yes, then by all means watch the show. Homework is important because it gives you practice on the subject that you are learning. ALWAYS do your homework.
Ask for help when you need it - If you have a question on something, ask for help, don't just leave it behind. You can ask anybody who has knowledge on the subject that you need help with like your parents, teacher, brother or sister. It will most definitely help you in tests and quizzes.
Manage your time effectively - It will help you reduce anxiety and focus on studying. If you have a test next week, start studying now. Try not to study at the last minute and cram the night before. Try studying 1 or 2 hours daily and leave a half hour for homework. If you study before you do homework, it will help you do your homework faster and help you understand the subject better.
Always Review - After school, review what you learned that day.
Develop test smarts - It will really help and increase your confidence in writing exams if you're familiar with the typical exam format, common errors to avoid, and know how the concepts in a subject area usually tested.
Know your personal learning style - It will help you maximize your learning by using effective study techniques, developing meaningful notes, and make the most efficient use of your study time.
·         LINGUISTIC LEARNER: learns best by saying, hearing and seeing words; is good at memorizing things such as dates, places, names and facts.
·         LOGICAL/MATHEMATICAL LEARNER: learns best by categorizing, classifying and working with abstract relationships; is good at mathematics, problem solving and reasoning.
·         SPATIAL LEARNER: learns best by visualizing, seeing, working with pictures, is good at puzzles, imaging things, and reading maps and charts.
·         MUSICAL LEARNER: learns best by hearing, rhythm, melody, and music; is good at remembering tones, rhythms and melodies, picking up sounds.
·         BODILY/KINESTHETIC LEARNER: learns best by touching, moving, and processing knowledge through bodily sensations; is good at physical activity.
·         INTERPERSONAL LEARNER: learns best by sharing, comparing, relating, cooperating; is good at organizing, communicating, leading, and understanding others.
·         INTRAPERSONAL LEARNER: learns best by working alone, individualized projects, and self-paced instruction.


  • Your learning style may not fit 'cleanly' into one specific category but may be a combination of two or more styles.
  • ALWAYS do your homework, and ALWAYS review what you learned.

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Teachers should use Hi tech Teaching equipments to teach.

It’s an age of science & technology. In recent times, developments in teaching aids have reached a zenith’s height. Projectors, especially the High End LED Digital projectors have enhanced the teaching phenomenon a lot. It has been found that, the students like to see something extraordinary & you can’t rely on traditional teaching with so called Chalk-duster based teaching. Corporal Punishment has been banned. Teachers have become more friendly. Atmosphere has become more competitive. Teacher should give the best to the learners. Already, many schools have started ‘Smart Classes’. It’s time for all to adopt Hi-Tech teaching aids to assist students in learning.
Seeing is believing. So, if you see something, you can remember it for lifetime. If you show something relating to the lesson you are teaching, it will definitely work on tender minds.
I am using it and feeling the benefits. Let my students be the BEST. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Do some Exercise regularly and be Superfit..

Yoga, at its physical level is aimed at cleansing practice which can be very effective in addressing various disorders. Some of the main yoga benefits include increasing one's flexibility. The various different yoga positions work on all the different joints found in the human body. These also include those joints that are not really targeted in other forms of exercise. Benefits of yoga include increasing one's lubrication of the tendons, joints and ligaments.
Some of the Yoga poses exercise specific ligaments and tendons in one's body. Some people who have rigid bodies at the outset will start to notice more flexibility in their limbs. What can be termed as non strenuous yoga; can actually end up working on some parts of the human body in a totally unrelated way.
Yoga's benefits are not restricted to physical health however and also include giving the whole body a massage like experience and also a massage of one's internal organs. Some of the internal organs like one's prostrate, which never get massaged, can be now massaged through yoga. Yoga can also help in keeping various diseases and health conditions at bay. Similarly, yoga can aid in forewarning one about the onset of some disorder or disease. Yoga also helps one in developing a sense of awareness about the state of their body which allows them to take the necessary pre-emptive action to correct a possible disorder. Yoga also helps in a complete detoxification process. This is done by stretching gently all the joints and muscles and also by massaging the person's various organs.
Yoga will aid in ensuring that there is an optimum supply of blood being made to all the various parts of the human body. It helps to flush all the toxins and to provide the much needed nourishment needed to one's joints. Thus this will aid in delaying the process of aging, increase one's energy levels and also one's overall well being. Yoga can also work as a great toner for a person's muscles which can become flaccid and weak when they are not exercise often. Yoga weight loss programs are also very common around the world. There are various types of yoga that one can do. Yoga is a great way to reduce one's stress levels. Yoga helps build a calm outlook to life and also to give one a positive outlook.